luni, 24 august 2009


Crush me down to little pieces
Hate me for what I am
Slay me for what I will be
Burn me down for what I wanted
Punch me till I fell no hatred
Squeeze my heart untill it stops beating
Kick me in the guts for my empty dreams
Slap my memories away so I can get pain fused with fear
Slice trough me so I can wash away in blood
Reap my limbs away so I can't touch you
Tear away my skin so my flesh could be one with the dirt
Pop my eyeballs so I can't see my firends for the one last time

That's what I want now for no actual reason, that's what I'll want if I feel guilty for anyting. But no one cares what I want and even if there would be someone, that someone wouldn't have the guts to do it. It's just another epic failure in my tiny little world consturcted of love, hatred, pain, happiness, confusion and insanity. All my dreams are made of smoke, I reach my hand for one and it disappears as the others start to laugh. If I catch one, the smoke turns to fire or I find it insignificant and crush it in the palm of my hand... but it never dies, it keeps on haunting me till the end of my days.

Un comentariu:

Alexandrü spunea...

sometimes we all feel like that..
Youll grow to loathe my name
Youll hate me just the same
You wont need your breath
And soon youll meet your death
Not from the years,not from the use
Not from the tears,just self abuse