marți, 1 iunie 2010

In thy memory of ...

Can't blindly follow rules
And I can't beleve in fools
Born to walk my way
No one tells me where to stay

A rogue since day one
No one ever called me "son"
I learned my lessons by myself
And the scars have their own shelf

For some pain is just a word
But for me is the whole world
I keep it close now and forever
God damn! I have to fight it clever

Every ally is worth to keep
But kill hem if they fall asleep
It's hard to keep yourself together
And harder to get out of the nether

I know the noises that I hear
That's why I feel no fear
Need to stand tall all the time
Nowadays weakness is crime

I learned that blood is thiker than water
Cause I know how it feels to lose a brother
I promised myself to never let him fade
From now on he's my aid and blade

Respect is hard to gain
But much more easyer to stain
Few know what it means
Less know to drive it's wheels

When I'll fall I'll leave a name behind
Ya'll all know that I fucked mankind
Rebellion won't die with me
Rebellion is more than you'll ever be

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